Project Name: Building Disaster and Climate Resilient Cities in ASEAN in Lao PDR
Project Description
The captioned project aims to enhance the resilience of ASEAN cities to disasters with the consideration of Climate Change Adaptation through the following:
1. Establishment of a cross-sectoral collaboration mechanism at the regional level to facilitate partnership among stakeholders in urban development planning and disaster risk reduction and climate risk management;
2. Integration of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation measures in urban development, land use planning processes, and building regulations; and
3. Improvement of the capacities of ASEAN Member States to assess urban risk and implement urban disaster and climate risk management policies and measures. The project will partly implement Concept Note 18: Building Disaster and Climate Resilient Cities in ASEAN, under the Strategies and Priorities for AADMER* Work Programme Phase 2 (2013-2015).
*AADMER = ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response
Project Owner
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Granted by
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Associated Firm / Contracting Party
What Mekong consultant Co., Ltd contributes:
– Coordinate with several private and governmental parties assigned by project owner
– Data collection in 3 provinces (Luang Prabang, Borikhamxay, Khammuan)
– Being interpreter for official meeting and documents translation
– Luang Prabang
– Vientiane Capital
– Borikhamxay
– Khammuan
February 2016 – May 2018
Project Status under Mekong Consultants Co., Ltd