Project for Srentherining Human Resource Development of Engineering and Technology for Industry Development
Oct / 2021

Project Name: 

Project for Srentherining Human Resource Development of Engineering and Technology for Industry Development

Project Narrative

In the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, as a result of the social modernization, mining and construction industries have been forming an increasingly large proportion in its economic structure. The 8th National Socio-Economic Development Plan (2016-2020) sets the target annual growth rate of the mining and construction industries at 9.3% (3.2% for agriculture and forestry industry and 8.9% for service industry), and considers them as driving force of its economic growth. Along with rising labor costs in neighboring countries, opportunities to be employed in Japanese or foreign factories and public infrastructure construction projects have increased in Laos, and the restructuring of the supply chain in the region requires high-quality human resources in engineering. However, because of lower knowledge and skills of Lao engineers, the posts of engineers and middle managers are often occupied by foreigners. Thus, a vicious cycle is created whereby Lao engineers have few opportunities to gain on-site experience, leading to retarded growth of local companies.

Currently, the Faculty of Engineering of the National University of Laos is not capable to answer the needs of industry requiring human resources equipped with hands-on knowledge and skills due to lack of facilities and equipment for experimental and practical work in education. To foster the industrial development, practical education needs to be carried out immediately through implementing experimental and practical work and university-industry collaboration especially in the three engineering fields, namely electrical/electronic, mechanical, and civil engineering, which can contribute to the manufacturing and construction industries requiring high-quality engineering human resources.

Against this background, the Project for Strengthening Human Resource Development of Engineering and Technology for Industry Development has the objective structurally described. In the three targeted fields (electrical/electronics, mechanical, and civil engineering) of the Faculty of Engineering of the National University of Laos,

Fund Sources

Granted by Japan International Cooperation Agency

Overall Contract Amount

Project Owner / Counter Part

Faculty of Engineering (FEN) of the National University of Laos (NUOL)



Associated Firm / Partner

Koei Research & Consulting 

What Mekong consultant Co., Ltd contributes

Provide assistance:
– Research Assistant (Engineering Education)
– Project Assistant (University-Industry Relation)


Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR


Jan 2021 – Present

Project Status under Mekong Consultants Co., Ltd