The Project for Capacity Development on Urban Development Control and Promotion
Mar / 2023

Project Name: The Project for Capacity Development on Urban Development Control and Promotion

Project Narrative

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has been providing technical assistances for DHUP PTI and DPWT in the field of urban planning and urban management since 2009.As the further technical assistance, the Project for Capacity Development on Urban Development Control and Promotion in Laos (CDUDCP) was started from July 2020 to enhance capacity of DHUP, PTRI and DPWT for control and promotion of urban development in Vientiane Capital. As a capacity development activity in the CDUDCP, DHUP, PTI and DPWT will formulate the Area Conceptual Plan in the pilot area in Vientiane Capital with technical support from JICA Experts. Topographical map which is described in this TOR will be used for a base map for the formulation of the Area Conceptual Plan.

The service aims to survey on current condition of pilot area and the surrounding for the
preparation of Area Conceptual Planning in the pilot area in Vientiane Capital.

Fund Sources

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Overall Contract Amount

Project Owner / Counter Part

Department of Public Works and Transport

Associated Firm / Partner

Tamano Consultants Co., Ltd

What Mekong consultant Co., Ltd contributes

(1) Support JICA Experts of CDUDCP in charging of Building Control/ Fire prevention and Building Structure in following activities.
– Analysis of draft of Lao Building Code
– Amendments to the outline of draft Lao B/C
– Investigation and advice on technical standards to be applied to the Lao B/C
– Finalization of the Lao B/C

(2) Data and Information Collection:
– Collect document and information on design standards, structural standards, material tests, firefighting equipment, specifications, materials, etc. which are currently used in VTE.
– Collect information relating to improve current draft B/C (fire safety, structural safety, and other provisions)


                                                                                                                    2nd Seminar on Lao Building Code


Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR


Mar. 2022 – Apr. 2023

Project Status under Mekong Consultants Co., Ltd