Project Name Bus Operation Study at Vientiane Capital State Bus Enterprise
Project Narrative
In February 2023, the Government of Japan and the Government of the Lao PDR agreed on the implementation of the “Project on Sustainable Urban and Development Transport Management in Luang Prabang in Lao PDR (SUTraM)”. The project has started in March 2023. With the above background, as part of the support for route-bus operation in Luang Prabang, DPWT officers and other related parties will be trained on bus operation at Vientiane Capital State Bus Enterprise (VCSBE).
Fund Sources
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Overall Contract Amount
Project Owner / Counter Part
Department of Public Work and Transport, Luang Prabang Province
Associated Firm / Partner
VCSBE Head Office
Morning Market Station
Itecc Bus Station
What Mekong Consultant Co., Ltd contributes
1) Arrange and pay for the training program with VCSBE.
2) Responsible for event registration management for all events.
3) Arrange and pay for facilitation during the training sessions.
5) Arrange and pay for dinner meeting
6) Arrange and pay for logistics:
– Flight: Luang Prabang to Vientiane
– Train: Vientiane to Luang Prabang
– Car rental
– Accommodation
8) Communicate with JICA project staffs on all of the above matters and provide necessary materials and information.
Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR
Aug. 2024
Project Status under Mekong Consultants Co., Ltd